Monday, January 10, 2011

Back to work :(

Okay so keeping true to my promise I had to force myself to post tonight. First day back at work today and it actually wasn't as bad as 8 I thought it was going to be- it went really quickly and my staff did good so I was happy. Also finally got my CV and cover letter all finished so I will drop it to the place where I want to work some time this week. I'm actually really stoked with how it turned out and there is no way i'm he'll I could have done it without all the help I got from JB!!!! I have been good on the health train so far- kind of easing myself into it- I actually HAD breakfast this morning which was new. Normally around 3 at work I would be dying for a smoke and I managed to sit out with the smokers and not have one at all which I was pleased about!! Iv been hitting the water and green tea pretty hard which is good!! Then me and Joey ran home from work which was only about 3kms but it's a good start I surprised myself by the fact that we actually ran nearly the whole thing!!!

Mum is down visiting for a couple of day which is real nice! I got home today and she had bought me a whole lot of groceries, vaccuumed my bedroom, scrubbed my bathroom AND cooked a roast for us all! Got I love my mum :D

that about it from me- I see my views have kinda dropped a bit- I'm worrying I'm getting boring :s if there is anything particular you want to hear or know about me or want to know m opinion on email me and let me know :D


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