Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Something I HATE

Im a HUGE YouTube addict and I came across this video today which actually made me angry- Angry enough to illicit a response from me! I have gay friends yes- but i hate evangelical gays (much the same as I hate evangelical Christians). I dont get along with gays but I shouldnt be chastised for having these feelings- much the same as I dont believe I should be ridiculed for being gay or black people should be abused for the color of their skin... and the list goes on.

My Email Response:

This is the first video i have ever disliked.

I dont like gays and I am gay. I dont go out to gay bars and flaunt my dislike for gays and there is a good reason for that. A lot of the gays in my "community" don't do anything to improve peoples stereotypical perception of the community as a whole and yet they are quite happy to bitch and moan about gay hate and homophobia. A lot profess to be more than just gay but do nothing to actually BE more than simply gay- gay is simply a sexual preference it is not a personality trait and shouldnt be treated as such.

Its interesting to note that sex and being at a gay bar are almost linked in this video (no I realise they are not directly or outrightly linked- but the implication of having the two listed one after the other is still there and creates the association).

My ex boyfriend was the first person to introduce me to the whole "gay scene" and I knew from the outset that this was not the kind of "scene" I wanted to be involved in nor are these the kind of people that I want to associate myself with- this does not make me a homophobe- This makes me selective- The same would have occurred if he had introduced me to a community of drug users (in some cases the two are linked).

Yes I fuck guys because I enjoy it that doesnt make me a hypocrite! If I were straight and I didnt like one particular type of girl - say I didnt like blondes because I thought they were shallow and self absorbed (not the case but just for arguments sake) Im still straight and Im not trying to skew the light I feel I am portrayed in and Im still having sex with girls- Im not labelled anything- its the same principal in this situation. So why then is it such a terrible thing for gay men not to like other gay men?

You say that I am self loathing and insecure- Since I came out I have never been more confident or sure of myself- I dont pretend to be something I am not- I dont pretend to be one of they gays that I would rather avoid nor do I pretend to be straight- If ever I am asked about my sexuality I am 100% truthful and 100% proud to be who I am. The key word there being I- I am proud of the person I have become since coming out- I am simply me and no one else- I should not feel penalized by evangelical gays for not welcoming the community with open arms.

Yes I agree that going to a gay bar to bitch about how much you hate gays seems to be a BIG contradiction and is more than likely a reflection of this persons insecurities- I just wanted to make sure you know that not ALL gays who dont like gays are like that.

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