Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Coming Out Story

So I guess this is the full version. I cant remember how much i have already told you all about my coming out story and I cant be bothered to go back and find out so this is the full version...

Okay so while I was at school I was working part time as a checkout bitch at a supermarket. I had slept with a few more guys at this point (since the random in the car) and I was getting more and more bold with approaching people- and by this I mean I was still chicken shit but I would actually do something rather than nothing.

Anyway I had noticed this guy a couple of weeks before- Remember Im from a small town so you notice the ones who arent from there. Anyway he came in almost every day that I worked and always looked at me more than what I felt was normal. So this went on for a couple of weeks until one night- my last night ever working there- and I was in a crazy mood. He came thought and bought what ever and I saw him about to come up to my friends checkout so before he got there I rushed to the office to find a pen and paper and quickly scribbled my number down on it. Walked out just as he was getting served to I casually strolled over (thinking now it was more of a power walk so I didnt miss my opportunity). 

Youre probably all thinking by now how brave I am to be giving out my number to a guy surrounded by people when Im not even out yet- or 100% sure that he is gay.... Well stop coz thats not how it happened  :) I walked up to his check out and started packing his groceries- you guessed it I slipped my number in the bag! I kind of half expected him to lose the number- I mean lets be honest- who is that thorough when they empty their groceries? But funnily enough I got a SMS about 5 minutes after he had walked out the door asking who I was and why my number was in his bag.

Not wanting to bull shit I told him exactly who I was and just out asked if he was gay- to which he replied yes. I remember saying some thing like "I knew you looked at me longer that any normal straight guy would!" (since I was 17 and seemed to think I had infinite wisdom on being gay). Basically we started seeing each other from that point on... for about 3 days. I dont even class him as a boyfriend because it was that short. His story was that he was visiting his dad for a few weeks and had to head home. At the end of three days I was kind fo glad though- his voice got kind annoying and his name was brad and he kept referring to himself as "B-Rad". 

Anyway the whole reason i ended up coming out was because I was sating at my friend Mo's place (shes a lesbian) and I wanted him to come over coz I was horny- so we were driving back to her place one night and I decided I would tell her! 

Me- "So..... I.... never mind"
Mo- "Fuck okay"
Me- "I...... I wanna tell you something"
Mo- "Well hurry up"
Me- "You have to promise not to tell any one- not even your mum- or Miss" - miss was her GF
Mo- "Just fucking spit it out!"
Me- "I...... I've kinda...."
Mo- "You better hurry up"
Me- "Iv met some one,,,"
Mo- "OMG its a guy isnt it?"
Me- "Yea"
Mo- "So"
Me- "Well I was hoping he could come over tonight"
Mo- "I dont give a fuck"

And that was it- oh well B-Rad came over and surprisingly so did a few of Mo's mates- fucking sneaky bitch- but I love her to pieces!

So that was the biggest hurdle for me over- she was my closet friend back then and her opinion ment the world to me- It probably helped she was a dyke though. 

Basically- the rest I think i have told you all- The night before I left home to go to Uni I went out and got drunk- as did basically everyone in my year- My plan was to tell everyone that night... which I managed to do but as the night wore on I got more and more nervous so I ended up putting it off right until the very end of the night. Told everyone and went home. 

I think my reasoning was that I would never have to see these people again if I didn't want to or if they reacted badly. Thankfully I have only had to lose one friend because I was gay and the only reason were her religious beliefs. We did talk about it and she brought up the fact that a lot of her friends were gay but she didnt agree with it. I couldnt understand how she could be friend with people if she didnt agree with their lifestyle choices- to me it all seemed a bit two faced and it still does. 

Mum and Dad and my sister found  out a few months down the track while I was at uni. I SMS's my sister one night and told her but asked her not to tell mum and dad- sure enough half an hour later i get a call from mum and dad "Renee has told us your news". They were happy as long as I was happy and I cannot thank them enough for how easy they have made it on me.

Ill never forget they day Mum cracked her first gay joke- it was only funny because it came out of her mouth (so it was a pretty lame attempt as far as jokes in general go). But we were loading up the car later that year for a family trip to Singapore, London, Istanbul, Athens and eventually some city in Crete for my brothers wedding. Being mum she over packed her back and could barely drag it let alone lift it into the car so I offered to do it for her and it was a piece of cake for me. I turn to mum with a cheeky smile on my face expecting a thank you and I get;

"Pretty strong for a gay aren't you?"

I was buckled in half with laughter- the look on her face was classic the cheeky bitch!

1 comment:

  1. Good story thanks for sharing.

    I would not call you chicken shit in the same sentence if you have done all that you say. You, I would say is pretty bold & take the bull by horns.

    By sms'ing your sister, was that on purpose knowing she would tell your parents? Like killing 2 birds with one stone & not having to face the immediate reaction of your parents. Maybe that was chicken shit if that is the case.

    Family is the best support anyone can have & it seems you have it.
