Sunday, November 14, 2010

What a Weekend!

Had such a great weekend!

So Friday night starts off with an awards night for the 'industry' I work in- sounds kinds snobbish and boring right? Well- I got to finish at three and started drinking straight away. My date came round at about 4- Dizzy- shes so HOT! Shes like my height (6foot 2) and is a model from the UK. On top of that she has recently discovered her love for drinking so we were a well matched pair.

Anyway drinking as we were getting ready- Diz took a bit of time (as girls do) so I got drunkenly swinging on the stripper pole in the lounge for  a good 45 mins- Anyway she gets ready and we rock up to this cocktail bar in town where everyone from work is meeting before we go to the awards- Their reactions were priceless! They weren't talking very much anyway (bunch of boring cunts) anyway I open the door and me and Diz walk in arm in arm and they all turn and their Jaws drop! I LOVE HAVING HOT FRIENDS.

Anyway they all seem to scared to talk to us (mainly because of how smokin' Diz is) so we neck our drinks and wander to the awards alone. The awards themselves were boring but the MC was a famous comedian who I got to meet and have photos with- we then later harassed the shit out of him for not coming out clubbing with us.

Went out clubbing which was the same as usual... nothing much to report there.

Joey from my work stayed at my place that night FUNNIEST thing- I'm all drunk and strip down to my underwear to get comfy after being all dressed up for the awards- Joey Diz and I are pretty lax and have no problem being that naked around each other. About half an hour into us being home this guy that been stalking her for the past year tells her hes waiting down the street to make sure no one comes over to "fuck the shit out of her" (his words not mine).  Iv had runs ins with this guy before so I went mental in my drunken half naked state and pulled out a kitchen knife and sat outside waiting for his car to drive past so i could go out and slash his tires> I think he caught wind of this from Joey and didn't come down.  5 mins later Joey's booty call parks up and gets out (turns out HE WAS there to fuck the shit out of her). He was soooo sexy and here I am sitting on the front steps with a knife in my hand and later to find out my left nut was hanging out- Fuck I'm pure class!

Anyway long story short- Diz watched her first gay porn film that night and Joey and her booty call fucked all over our lounge and very loudly!!!

(this is the one we watched)

Saturday rolls along and I get a call from Rob asking me if I'm going out tonight- I was kinda horny and feeling dirty but was too hungover to go out so I told him to come and stay. This is where it got hot for me- He then tells me hes off to a Toga party at the gay bar in town and I ask if hes going to be wearing the Toga back to mine and he says yes. I then ask "Minus underwear?" and he gets all shy like he does and goes on about class and how its not classy- Just as I'm about to reply saying something along the lines of "who needs class with an ass like yours" he replies "But fuck it- its not like I'm a classy guy anyway". So he says to me "Ill slip them off when I get to your bedroom" (Already told him I would leave the door unlocked for him) and I was like "Fuck that- take them off in the taxi on your way over"
... Needless to say it didn't take very much convincing! 4 o'clock and up he rocks briefs in hand draped in a sheet. Was a GOOD night.

Then; since I seem to do everything backwards- Sunday naturally being the day of rest I went crazy on the gardens did some mad shopping and to top it all off went for the longest run I've done in about three years! Pretty please with me right now!

Tis all from me! Hope you're weekends were fabulous! xoxo

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