Saturday, September 11, 2010

Depressive People and my Surprise Obsession

Hey kids!

Looks who's posting again! and in less than a month!

So I have been sneakily following this girl on facebook... okay so its kind of stalking! But she has the most depressing status updates... shit like "why does no one care about me" and "I wish this pain would stop". It makes me so angry when people use facebook as a sympathy tool! If you really need to get sympathy from people over facebook to make yourself feel good about yourself you are seriously fucked up and need proper help. Im sure we all have enough shit to deal with in our own lives to want to have to put up with your shit! I prefer people who have the random updates... My friend Amy fascinates me with the random crap she posts- her most recent funny was "Sure the neighbors had to trim their hedge so I cant crap with the door open any more"

My surprise obsession--- DUN DUN DUN!

Okay so I know I talk about it all the time but the whole situation with the Ex's best friend. I always catch myself analysing the whole situation and then posting about it on here. I need to snap out of it and make a decision and get over it. I was fucked over SO WHAT!? People get fucked every day... what makes me so special that I get to make such a big deal out of it? Sure its entertaining but at the end of the day I dont actually care that much about it any more. I think the whole thing that spurred this was I was reading through my older posts and they all seem to be about him.

What a big waste of my time. I could have written many more things about something way cooler... i.e. ME! :D

Thinking about that I just had a mental block when I was planning to write something amazing and insightful about myself :S

I will put it to you- f there is anything about me you would like to know let me know and I will post about it for all to read :D

Anyway just a quick one today

Hope you are all okay!


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